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The reason humans have come into being is to meet with Tendo.

Touken Lectures   統賢御講話


Coincidence does not exist in Tendo. In Tendo everything is inevitable. Retribution precisely take place and there is no mistake in it. Therefore there is a definite reason for you to be here.


The world we live in is unequal and unfair. If there is a way to change this unequal and unfair world into an equal and fair world, it can only be Tendo's Sanpo and that is the conviction that I have regained.


In an original manner, it is impossible to define Tendo in words. There is no other ways to understand Tendo but by perceiving with ones own intuition.


If we could gain the chance to preach Tendo to those who lives in an unfair destiny and managed to have them get Sanpo, wether they realize the value of Sanpo or not, they will get the supreme happiness at that moment.


Tendo has the mission to unite all religions into one. Tendo has the mission to save all countries.


Tendo is the foundation of creation of this universe and it holds the whole universe within. This universe is bigger than mankind can possibly imagine. But Tendo holds this enormous universe inward. Tendo has endless expansion that surpass imagination.


Tendo's Sanpo is the only way to lead our world to the ideal world.
However, it should not be easy for an imperfect human being to build up a perfect world.

Tendo will be the primary factor of resolution to the problems which this world holds.


In the end, Tendo will be the primary factor of resolution to all problems which the world faces today.


Today is the new period of revolution that has never been experienced in the past. We have to make use of this extreme rare opportune moment.


In order for you to progress as a real person and human being, you need to show enough courage and honesty to look at yourself and others as equals without any kind or form of discrimination. This attitude comes from compassion and altruism. I want you to know that everyone has this predisposition deep within himself or herself. When you are searching for the reason of your existence, the reason of the existence of the universe, the so-called basic principle for the existence of all things, it is often very difficult to come out with an answer. Because it is very difficult for one to discover the basic principle of all existence, most of you will give up and makeup more or less an appropriate reason. However, a clear answer will be provided to who keeps on searching without giving up. This answer is what we call  “Truth” or “道(Way/Path/Practice=Tendo)”.


Fuden is the biggest unprecedented undertakings in the history since the creation of the universe.
Whether it is the establishment of great empire or the serious affairs in human history, they will have no impact before the undertakings of Fuden.
It shows the great meanings of revolution of the world that will transcend the miracle when Moses split the ocean to create the passage.


When you realize what the fundamentals are, the essence of man, when you simplify the problems to simply observe the real nature of things deeply and face yourself honestly and truthfully, only then will you get an answer. If even then, after having been totally honest with yourself, after having simplified the problems and honestly observing and contemplating the nature of things, yet you still cannot find the answer, this simply means that your faith in yourself, in what you can achieve or accomplish, is not deep enough. Still, even then, when everything is still unclear and unsettle, you will then be able to feel and realize the absoluteness of Tendo and the enormous love of Laum. You will then realize that just like Tendo is inevitable and absolutely necessary for us, the arrival of new era called Hakuyo is also inevitable and absolutely necessary for mankind.  The time that’s left for us is extremely little. I only wish for everyone to live without any regrets.


Why do you think we exist?
Is it coincidence that we were born and are here today?
That cannot be it.
If not, there must be a reason and purpose for us to be born in this world and searching for it should be your first destiny and purpose.
The reason and purpose of our existence is the first question which Saints in the past had.
They questioned the reason why people are born looking at downtrodden people who were suffering.
The reason why people are born.
The reason why people live.
They asked answers for these fundamental questions to God and to themselves.

Unfortunately, today, people being blessed with material things and science has led them to believe in the quibble word of scholars rather than to believe in a word of God.
As a result, a lot of people have started to sneer and revile at God with no composure.
However, because we live in this time now, it is significant to spread the truth and enhance God's will.


Sanpo, the salvation which Laum has sent down,is an existence that goes beyond the general intelligence.
Therefore it cannot be explained with theory or reason.
It is not the knowledge but your interior spirit that can perceive Sanpo fully.
The contradiction of this is that you will not be able to understand Sanpo unless you gain Sanpo.
In other words, no matter how much you talk about Tendo before Tokudo( to gain Sanpo), it is impossible to understand Sanpo.
Most of all, there is a slight doubt in how properly we, ourselves, understand Tendo.
Much less, it is impossible to make people understand Sanpo before Tokudo


The compass needle that guides us to the truth is our allegiance to God. There is also something else inside us that guides us like a compass needle. This lies in the memories we have stored within us. For example, we should reflect back once more on the love that we demanded from our parents as young children, driven by an anxiety no words can describe. The anxiety we experienced as young children whereby we stayed with our parents and were completely reliant on our parents can no longer be felt. That love comes from a pure heart unblemished by preconceived notions. We must have felt the presence of God beyond our physical parents.

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