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Tendo & Sanpo

There'll be a point in their lives when they need something and that's often when the spirit world will step in and help them to understand what's going on around them.

​What is Tendo?

Deep down inside each of us is a light. 

This light is our soul.....our spirit....our path.

The path is wide. It is strict. It is sweet. It is happiness.

It is humanity.

It is love.

To realize the path one must first look within.

Knowing and accepting yourself will give you the direction.

But the choice to walk this path is yours..... and yours alone.

Will you search for your light.... or remain in darkness?

Will you awaken...... or remain  asleep?

Walking your true path will cause your light to shine.

It will give light to the darkness within.

As your light grows  you will spread the light  to others.

The path is what we call Tendo.

To understand Tendo you must first gain Sanpo. 


Tendo is the salvation of agony of Laum. 

It is the scream of Laum’s love.

It is the song of praise of life.

It ravels the ones that cannot be raveled. It forgives the ones that cannot be forgiven.

It saves the ones that are beyond help.

Tendo saves all spirits without leaving a single one unsaved.

Tendo is a rapid stream of my passion.

It is my greatest wish.

It is the burning of my sorrow.


Tendo is a miracle of love that gives aid to the ones sinking, that gives a boat to the ones drowning, gives breath to the ones dying.

It is a miracle of love that grants the wish that cannot be granted.


​三 宝

Sanpo is the supreme protection.
Sanpo is what saints searched for and gained.
This is a special protection and very sacred.​
The salvation which God has sent down.
Sanpo gives you special protection.
Save you always.


Sanpo is not only the greatest possible protection against all life threatening events and disasters of this world, it is also empowerment and enlightenment. By receiving Sanpo, you will learn about the three supreme treasures of Tendo, these same three treasures that all the greatest spiritual leaders of the past had to suffer all their life to learn about. For over 5000 years, these treasures have only been transmitted from one person of extreme virtue to another person of extreme virtue. It is only in the late 1800, from the mercy of God, that Onshi Yuminagaso, was allowed to pass these three treasures to humanity without anyone having to suffer anymore to receive them. 


Today, Kazunori Nagamatsu Touken is the master of Tendo, The Way to Heaven, and it is because of Kazunori Nagamatsu Touken that Sanpo is now accessible to the people of the world.

By receiving Sanpo, the knowledge and use of the three treasures of Tendo will protect you from all possible life threatening events, disasters or situations that you may encounter during your journey on this earth. When using the power of Sanpo, you are by all means, protected against any possible life threatening disaster or calamity.

Sanpo is a once in a lifetime very powerful protection that can be only obtained by standing in front of an illuminated Tendan.

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